Archives October 2022

Gennay #mbbinstachallenge look 2 (Settimana del 16-22 settembre 19 gennaio 16-22): Kitten Flicks e Shine Lips

Solo un FYI: Se mai vuoi prenderti seriamente seriamente, non integrare una fascia con le orecchie feline come Bene come labbra rosa rosa.

È altrettanto difficile. Ti ridacchiarai per te stesso tutto il tempo!


La fascia felina è da Etude House, così come è $ 5,20. Il mio era un dono da un amico, però mi piace così tanto che sto ordinando un backup (nota laterale: vuoi che la valutazione sia? LOL!).

Senza ulteriori indugi, è il tempo #mbbinstachallenge!

È una settimana due, così come lo stile di questa settimana è il kitten flicks e le labbra di lucentezza.


Cats & Makeup Felpa ??

$ 42.

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Ecco la mia motivazione per l’aspetto di questa settimana …
Ho scelto di restare attentamente all’O.G. La foto della motivazione questa volta, quindi ho disegnato la fodera del gattino nero affilato tutto il metodo negli angoli interni, tuttavia ha mantenuto quell’area del centro sulla mia linea inferiore della barra più bassa, per spazio sfavorevole.

Suppongo che avrei potuto fare qualcosa come un bronzo o una fodera d’oro in quella zona invece …

Ooh! Potrebbe essere super cool. Potrei provarlo dopo.

Ho utilizzato la fodera liquida assurda di Tom Ford, che è così bomba (nonostante sia assurdamente costosa. Mi è stato ricordato perché mi piace così tanto che stavo cercando di localizzarlo negli angoli interni e necessari per essere super duper. È Amazeballs.

E per le mie labbra rosa scintillanti, ho utilizzato appiccicoso rosa mac enorme peluche per bambini, poi accarezzava una lucentezza rosa multicolore in cima, concentrandola al centro delle mie labbra.

Ho desiderato Big, Chunky, Fancy glitter, quindi sono andato con Mac 3D rosa glitter.

Ecco qualcosa che ho scoperto mentre andavo a fare questo look: Se fai schioccare sopra la gloss, non strofinare le tue labbra insieme subito, dal momento che la lucentezza si mescolerà con la lucentezza e abbattere il luccichio e irradiano un numero di tacche.

Come una gomma labbra in Bonafide … Ho lottato con questo.

Sicuramente farò questo guardare di nuovo. Mi piace il metodo che si è scoperto.

Ricorda, per la #mbbinstachallange, non devi prendere lo stile come in realtà come ho fatto. Puoi riff e giocare oltre a prenderlo in qualsiasi direzione innovativa che desideri.

Non riuscire a ricordare di #Hashtag le tue foto con # Mbbinstachallenge su Instagram, oltre a taggami su @KarenMBB così posso scoprirti.

Guardando avanti per vedere cosa cucini questa settimana! Ecco cosa ha fatto il delizioso agrifoglio @nitewlchef.

La tua amichevole community Beauty Addict,


P.S. Preparati ad avere la tua mente soffiata …


Quindi sto guardando strani giorni con Angela Bassett e Ralph Fiennes in questo momento (dal 1995), che non ho mai visto prima, così come ho appena capito che il giovane Ralph Fiennes sembra proprio come Bradley Cooper.

Sembrano lo stesso identico amico.

Sono crazypants!

Fresh Friday: Malavara, an Ayurveda-Inspired Body as well as Hair care Line

MBB’s “Fresh Friday” series takes a look at new appeal brands (and venerable O.G. brands that are new to me). Let’s find new makeup!

El Hub is always in awe of the time I can spend in the bathroom, since seriously…I’m in there for a looooong time. ? One time he even knocked on the door as well as asked if I’d fallen into the toilet since I’d actually been in there for hours.

So yeah, if you requirement me, I’ll be in the… Ha ha ha! El baño.


It’s excellent since nobody bothers me in there. I can have some privacy. often after I put Connor down for the night, I’ll shower, do some reading and, lately, have a tiny health club sesh.

Speaking of that…have you peeped this new line of Ayurveda-inspired body products from Malavara?

A high-end body care line, Malavara was started by Tejal Engman as well as Alexandra Turner, two gals who worked high-stress tasks on the trading floor for JP Morgan. They bonded over their like for alternate therapies, including Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. It was established in India over 3,000 back (!).


Cats & Makeup Felpa ??

$ 42.

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Their Ayurveda-inspired products are cruelty-free, mixed with necessary oils, vegetarian, vegan as well as created to ensure that hectic people can concurrently relax, recharge as well as de-stress while they get their necessities performed in the bathroom.

For now, Malavara’s product line isn’t huge, however they have some great goodies for recuperative “meow” time sessions in the bathroom, like a dry body oil ($48), a hair serum ($39), lotion ($32) as well as body laundry ($28).

I’m a huge fan of the dry Body Oil Spray. I like the crisp, refreshing scent, which is a unisex blend of lime peel as well as vetiver, as well as it consists of apricot kernel oil, which is just fascinating to me. The spray is light as well as hydrating, so I utilize it on my upper body (my alligator legs do much better with the Lime Vetiver Body & Hand Lotion) as well as take additional time to massage it into my arms, my upper back as well as my neck.

Esso. È. Così. Relaxing…

The packaging is most likely the most best example of spray oil packaging I’ve ever seen in my entire life, too, since the pump ejects a fine oil mist, however it comes out forcefully, as well as it never, ever clogs.

It’s the bit things, ya know?

Luxurious *and* practical? I’m so there.

Alrighty then. If you requirement me, you understand where I’ll be… ?


Il tuo amichevole community tossicodipendente,



Domenica con le schede il gatto, il trucco e il blog di fascino mascotte, vol. 513

Normalmente, le schede vanno avanti della pattuglia la prima cosa domenica mattina, tuttavia oggi è stato il primo ufficiale soddisfacente del club di Giardinieri di Novato Feline. Le schede non sono state scoraggiate dalla verità che attualmente ci sono solo due membri, uno dei quali è tecnicamente un po ‘umano a cui piace credere a se stessa come un gatto.

All’agenda di oggi, che non è stato stampato in comico sans: scegli i pomodori ciliegia maturi.


Ora, è semplice da fare con le zampe? No, però le schede gode della sfida.

Anche i membri hanno discusso giallo contro pomodori rossi, oltre ai benefici del canto alle vostre piante. Le schede credono in una seranade due volte-un giorno, motivo per cui lo scoprirai spesso che lo mostri alle piante dal suo centro di comando di Tabby.

Dopo che i pomodori sono stati scelti, c’era una lunga discussione sul fatto che debbano essere trasformati in una salsa di marinara o essere utilizzati per un pesce friggere. Non sorprendentemente, le schede votate per il pesce friggere.


Se desideri unirti al Novato Feline Gardeners Club, ti preghiamo di lasciare i tuoi dati di seguito. I gatti e gli umani sono i benvenuti. (Possiamo anche pensare ad alcuni cani e forse un coniglio, se il coniglio è aggiuntivo.)

Il tuo amichevole community tossicodipendente,


How adorable Are These Lancome Juicy Shakers?

Aren’t these Juicy Shakers cute?
I’ve been seeing lip treatment oils talked about on different beauty blogs a great deal lately, as well as I’ve been curious about them…but for whatever reason, I just hadn’t gotten around to providing them a try.

Fino ad ora.


I wished to try these Lancome Juicy Shakers ($21) for a couple of reasons. First, they’re super, super cute. 

They’re seriously a few of the cutest lip products I’ve ever seen.

Second, the bi-phase formula (the oil as well as pigment settle, so you shake these as much as mix them together before utilizing them).


Cats & Makeup Felpa ??

$ 42.

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Is it just me, or do these look like mini mixed drink shakers?
After you provide these a quick shake, there’s an adorable bit pillow applicator that you utilize to apply the color.

So…I really, truly believe these are cute. So damned cute! as well as they’re just perfect for the summertime, since you can get that super glossy look on your lips, however since they likewise contain the oil, they’re really moisturizing.

I feel like a great deal of glosses, even though they’re shiny, are really not moisturizing at all. But these are nice since they’re moisturizing as well as glossy yet aren’t thick or sticky. 

As you may guess, since of the oil, they do have a somewhat oily feel, but they’re not greasy or anything like that. They feel rather unlike other lip products I’ve tried.

A better look at the pillow applicator
The two colors I have right here are Apri-Cute (a peach/apricot) as well as pinky Berry Tale. 

On my lips, Apri-Cute is quite sheer; you don’t see a ton of pigment, however there’s a time as well as a location for that. And Berry tale is a truly glossy, quite pink lip color.

Wearing Lancome Juicy Shaker in Apri-Cute

Wearing Lancome Juicy Shaker in Berry Tale
I believe these are fantastic for super low-key makeup days. When I’m just heading into work as well as don’t have much time to do a great deal of makeup, I definitely reach for these Juicy Shakers, much as I reach for a lip balm, except that I select these instead of a lip balm when I want more gloss.

Lancome Juicy Shaker in Apri-Cute
Lancome Juicy Shaker in Berry Tale
There’s something about these Juicy Shakers that I just truly adore. I mean, I have a ton of makeup, so it’s not that frequently that I come across a product that I believe is particularly unique.

That’s not to state that I don’t autumn in like with a new product like every other day (haha), however I believe these are just so adorable as well as fun to put on. To me, having fun is a huge reason why I like makeup — it’s one of the few chances in my day to just play around! Whenever I see a product that puts a fun twist on a basic, I gotta provide it a thumbs up.

I have to admit that these Juicy Shakers are quite unique
I will say, though, that they have a extremely fruity odor (just a heads up). They almost odor like children’s cough syrup or fruit snacks — you know, that artificially wonderful fruity scent, which, since it does remind me of my childhood, as well as I’m always right here for a bit of nostalgia, doesn’t bother me at all! however it is extremely noticeable, so I wished to point that out to you guys.

These are so cute!


In situation you’re wondering, I’m using Glossier Perfecting Skin Tint in Deep (more details in this post) // MAC Soft serve shadow in So So Saucy (swatches as well as evaluation in this post) // as well dealt with much better Than Sex Mascara // Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Poured in champagne Pop // Becca luminous blush in Tigerlily.

The Lancome Juicy Shakers are offered now at Sephora for $21.

I’d like to hear if you guys have tried these or other lip oils. I’m new to this whole lip oil thing, so I’d like to hear your thoughts!

Power Colors! The Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte sculpting Lipsticks

Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte in Commanding
I was having a tough morning today, and by the time I sat down to get ready for the day, I needed a serious pick-me-up.

I remembered that one of my favorite professors in school shared her secret to getting over her nerves and insecurities.



She says that everyone has a power color, and hers is pink. Whenever she has to speak in front of large crowds or finds herself in a situation where she may be nervous, she wears hot pink lipstick.

She says it gives her an edge, a decent dose of sass, and reminds her to be herself, because you can’t cower down when you’re wearing a bold lip. You have to own it.


Cats & Makeup Felpa ??

$ 42.

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So, today I wore a fur coat and a bold lip, because I can.

My power color changes, but today I went with the Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte sculpting Lipstick in Commanding ($30), because on these particularly rough days, I need a bullet.

Like, a lipstick bullet.

Liquid lipstick and glosses don’t hold the same figurative power for me as a classic bullet.

Also, the packaging. how can you feel down when you’re holding lipstick made from actual goddess magic in your hands? It’s simple yet substantial with an engraved lid and navy casing with gold accents.

They also close magnetically, which is so satisfying.

Putting this lipstick on even feels like a power move.

Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte packaging
Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte in Neon Azalea, Volatile, Commanding, and Shameless Violet
My lips are always moderately dry, so prepping them is crucial for me. When adequately conditioned, these lipsticks glide on evenly and last between 3-4 hours (with no lipliner!), even through light eating and drinking. 

The formula is smooth and richly pigmented. It’s hard to mess up application with these guys. They have a subtle vanilla scent, too, which doesn’t last, and therefore doesn’t bother me.

Left to right: Commanding, Shameless Violet, Neon Azalea, and Volatile. In hand: Neon Azalea and Shameless Violet

Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte sculpting Lipstick in Commanding

Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte sculpting Lipstick in Shameless Violet
Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte sculpting Lipstick in Neon Azalea
Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte sculpting Lipstick in Volatile


Aside from loving these lipsticks for lifting my spirits, which they do, I also love the shape of the bullet. They have the typical slant, but not the point, so they really are quite lovely for lip sculpting. The shape fits the contours of my Cupid’s bow perfectly without making the peaks too sharp. 

Sometimes I like to buff out the edges with a lip brush or a cotton bud for a softer, lived-in look.

Estée Lauder Pure color Envy Matte sculpting Lipstick (L) bullet comparison
When you’re having “one of those days,” do you ever turn to beauty products? What are your go-to’s?

Trucco così come Charm Blog Lunedì Poll, Vol. 349

You may be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Bene, non è precisamente un sondaggio. È molto più di un elenco continuo (devoluto?), Un po ‘casuale di preoccupazioni che ho messo ai visitatori ogni lunedì mattina negli ultimi sette anni. (È come un kickstart per il tuo cervello.) Ho sempre lieto di leggere le tue risposte nei commenti, così come spero che ti piacere a leggere il mio.

What’s your stance on monogrammed anythings (mugs, towels, jewelry, bags, etc.)?
I believe they’re stylish in moderation. I mean, I’m not the woman who shows as much as the celebration with a monogrammed bag, shirt, hanky as well as earrings, however I do have a couple of monogrammed mugs. There’s this white one I utilize for my coffee/tea every morning, as well as if El Hub ever broke it, there’d be hell to pay!

I likewise have a couple of monogrammed necklaces, as well as I wear them all the time.

Would you rather wear a single statement bracelet, or a lot of dainty bracelets?
I’ll take the single statement bracelet, please.

Gummy bears or lemon drops?
Hmm… Gummy bears, however only if they’re those truly soft ones. They have to be truly soft as well as gummy, as well as not the very chewy difficult ones that feel like you’re chewing leather.

Ugh! When those difficult ones get stuck in your teeth? No say thanks to you.

When was the last time you kissed somebody under the mistletoe?
It was a looong time ago. about 20 years. I believe it was at a college holiday party, as well as it was just a quick peck on a friend’s cheek.

Lo so! many tiring mistletoe story ever! Scusate. ideally your story is steamier than mine. I requirement to be entertained, girlfriend!

How great are you at remembering other people’s birthdays?
OK, this is one of those things that I believe I ought to be quite great at, since I typically keep in mind details like exactly how numerous youngsters somebody has or if they like cats or dogs or traveling, however I’m not great at remembering birthdays.

Actually, I’m absolutely CRAP at remembering birthdays. They slip with my brain like wind with Swiss cheese (uh…). Seriously, if it wasn’t for the calendar on my iPhone, I’d keep in mind two birthdays — mine as well as my brother’s, only since his is precisely one week after mine, haha.


Il tuo turno. Basta copiare e incollare il conforme alle preoccupazioni in un commento con le tue risposte. Guardo avanti per leggerli!

1. What’s your stance on monogrammed anythings (mugs, towels, jewelry, bags, etc.)?
2. would you rather wear a single statement bracelet, or a lot of dainty bracelets?
3. Gummy bears or lemon drops?
4. When was the last time you kissed somebody under the mistletoe?
5. exactly how great are you at remembering other people’s birthdays?


Cats & Makeup Felpa ??

$ 42.

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Hey tesoro! You understand it’s the holidays when people bust out the scented holiday candles.

I started this Frosted Cranberry one from bath & Body works the other day, as well as oh! — so comfortable as well as delicious. My good friend Marisol suggested it, as well as now I’m recommending it to you.


Speaking of comfortable as well as delicious, I hope that explains the week you’re about to have.

Il tuo amichevole community charm tossicodipendente,


Unsung makeup Heroes: The Clinique Chubby Stick shadow Tints

The Clinique Chubby Stick shadow Tints ($17 each)
La serie di eroi non astuta di lunga durata qui sul trucco e il blog di fascino presenta alcuni dei nostri prodotti permanenti permanenti preferiti di tutti i tempi.

My cat… He’s kind of a chubby cat, but he prefers that we call him “husky” or “big-boned.” He is the boss, so I gotta do what I gotta do, but I won’t be calling the Clinique Chubby Stick shadow Tints for Eyes the “Big-Boned Stick shadow Tints,” because that would be weird.

I freaking lurve these things! They’ve been part of the Clinique permanent line for a while, and I love ’em so much that I’ve amassed a small army. I use them all the time.


True to form, these are tints, and they’re sheerer than a lot of the shadow sticks out there, like the MAC pro Longwears and the Bobbi brown and Laura Mercier sticks. They deposit a good amount of color, but they rapidly sheer down when you blend them out.

I know that some people aren’t going to be into that, but if you’re a 10-minute-makeup gal (or dude) who just wants a little somethin’-somethin’, but you’re not about to spend hella years blending in your outer V, these are terrific for that. They’re wonderful for easy, colorful eye looks.

There’s a mess of neutrals in the line that I wear all the time, like Bountiful Beige, Ample Amber, lots O’ Latte (which is a gorgeous, beautiful taupe) and warm brown Fuller Fudge, which I just wore the other day. and we’ll throw Curvaceous Coal in with the neutrals, too, because it’s a shimmery gray.


Cats & Makeup Felpa ??

$ 42.

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If you love BBNs (browns, beige and nudes) like I do, these are outstanding everyday colors.

Swatches from the top in 01 Bountiful Beige, 04 Ample Amber, 03 lots O’ Latte, 03 Fuller Fudge and 08 Curvaceous Cora
There are also some fantastic other colors. among the greens, I like Mighty Moss and Whopping Willow. In the blues, there’s big Blue and enormous Midnight. and oh! — the purples and pinks? You gotta give ’em a try.

All of the shades are pigmented, but they aren’t so pigmented that they take forever and a day to blend. They always seem to look elegant, refined and natural.

Well…as natural as a green or blue eyeshadow ever looks.

From the top: 05 Whopping Willow, 06 Mighty Moss, 10 big Blue, 12 enormous Midnight, 09 luxurious Lilac, 11 Portly Plum and 07 Pink & Pretty

I imply really, when was the last time you did a green eyeshadow look in less than five minutes? You can do it with these, though. That’s a big plus when you’re living that #timecrunchedlife.

Mighty Moss on my lids
When I wear the Chubby Stick Eye Tints, I’m typically all about saving time, so I don’t use them with primer, yet they still last on my lids all day long with zero (to very little) creasing.

I have also worn them on top of NARS Pro-Prime at different times, and it makes the wear time even better.

Oh! practically forgot, but they also work well for layering! You can wear them with powder shadow on top, or put them on top of powder shadows.


I hope you give them a try if you haven’t already. If you’re a busy makeup lover, they’re a marvelous find.

Il tuo amichevole avvincente di Charm,


BRRR … È Autunno a Tahoe

Hmm … Forse avrei dovuto porre dei guanti. Fa freddo proprio qui a Tahoe. Imbarco a paddle e jet Skiing sono fuori.

Anche se è stato piovoso e nuvoloso, il lago è ancora bello.


Abbiamo trascorso molto tempo al chiuso, sia nei nostri spazi che nel casinò, solo uscire con la famiglia e, naturalmente, Connor non ha trascorso molto tempo nei casinò (non è vecchia sufficiente per Kitty Glitter), tuttavia solo uscire, guardando film e parlare. buon tempo.

Connor sta vivendo la vita a Tahoe …
Quando ho scoperto infine il gattino brillare al casinò di Harvey, ero la donna felina più felice in giro.

Glitter Kitty !!!
Non avrei dichiarato che Kitty Shine ha ancora qualche tipo di competizione genuina … ma Miss Kitty ha un potenziale.


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